Dear Friends,

Since the launch of our church in February of 2018 we have seen the faithfulness of God as we have endeavored to trust Him to fulfill HIS PLAN and HIS HEART for East Texas through our local church. We are consistently blown away as we have seen Him do “far beyond anything we could ask or think”. Our purpose as a church has never been more clear. We will make an eternal difference, not as we build buildings but as we continue to build lives.
The Lord is placing an exciting opportunity before us to impact more lives with the love of Jesus than ever before through our very own facility - our future home!  In order for us to continue building lives, we need a permanent home of our own; that will help us minister to the needs of the people in our communities and lay a spiritual foundation for the next generation. This is a pivotal moment for our church.  As we consider the vast potential for ministry on the 17.5 acres we’ve acquired in Bullard, TX, our expectation grows. Without the space constraints of our current facility, we believe we’ll see thousands come to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.So, with a strong commitment and complete reliance on God, we’re stepping forward to meet the needs of the future. We ask each person who calls Church of the Pines their home to prayerfully consider their role in impacting our region through this step of faith. Would you pray about making a sacrificial commitment beyond your regular tithes and offerings? If you haven’t been consistent in your giving, would you pray about starting to do so? We’re confident that God will honor your commitment as we take this journey together.The Build Life initiative is about creating a lasting legacy for our families, communities, and our world. We can’t wait to lock arms with you to see God’s will be done in East Texas as it is in Heaven.

For Eternity, Pastor Les and Angela

Through Church of the Pines I found hope, purpose, salvation, and the love and community my heart ached for!"
"At 25 years old, I visited Pines with a broken and hardened heart that reflected every single heartbreak and disappointment I'd experienced in my life. That first Sunday, I knew God was speaking directly to my hear and telling me every single tear shed, he had seen and that I would never feel alone again. As I slowly joined small groups, SERVE groups, and made connections, behind the scenes God was carefully healing and restoring me. 


Past, Present, Future.

December 2015                         
God put the dream in  Pastor Les and Angela's hearts to launch a life-giving church in Tyler, TX.  
April 2017
Pastor Les and Angela were prepared through the Association of Related Churches (ARC) church-planting training course in Birmingham, AL. ARC has planted over 1100 churches in the US and around the world since 2001.
November 2017                         
After building a launch team of 40 people, Pastor Les and Angela began to train and equip the team.
February 2018                      
After 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting in January and much preparation, Church of the Pines officially launched with 354  people in attendance in the Regal Hollywood Theater.
September 2020                      
After 6 months online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Church of the Pines reopens in its first permanent location in a great, central location in Tyler - the Times Square Shopping Center.
July 2022
 After steady growth and much prayer, God provided 17.5 acres in Bullard,  TX. This is a prime location, in the path of growth, and will be the future home of Church of the Pines.            


With Church of the Pines meeting in 3 services, yearly renovations to Pines Kids spaces to make more room, and acquiring additional suites, we continue to set new attendance records weekly.
The time is now to break ground and build.

Our Plan

  • Begin a $2.5 million funding initiative to be reached over 3 years.
  • Begin building Phase 1 of the beautiful master plan in January 2025.
  • Move into the new building in early 2026.

Our Purpose

  • Build a home for Church of the Pines that serve as our central location for ministry and worship.
  • Multiply our reach and impact in our community.
  • Our region is growing rapidly. People are moving to East Texas from all over the country. We are seeing people give their lives to Jesus every week and go on the journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.

Our Partners

  • Pray about what God would have you do financially over the next 3 years. Ask the Lord's guidance as you get involved in Build Life.
  • Discuss Build Life with your family. Husbands and wives should discuss this matter and seek God's guidance together. For those with children, make this a family time of prayer and come to a group decision.
  • If you are single, you may want to discuss this this with a close friend.
  • Make a commitment that stretches your faith - one that causes you to believe in God's ability to give through you.
  • Watch God do a miracle in your own life through your steps of faith!

Building Lives.

"Although I have been a believer since I was 19 years old, and served in the church for decades, over the past 12+ years I had God at arm's length due to a lot of loss, pain, trauma, and drama that I experienced. My husband and I started attending Church of the Pines in January 2023 and things slowly started to change in my heart. One Sunday, Pastor Les asked anyone who needed peace in their lives to stand up, and he and the church prayed for me (us). 
Another Sunday God used his words to open my eyes to the fact I had been sitting on the sidelines and was letting Satan win. It was like the blinders were removed. I was finished giving Satan a foothold in my life! I spent time in prayer surrendering everything to God. I repented, forgave, let go, and asked the Holy Spirit to lead me. We later went through a Freedom small group and found deeper healing, closeness to God, and a greater purpose.
Peace. Healing. Purpose. Chains broken. Freedom.
God is no longer at arms length, but so close. I am thankful for this church, our pastors and leaders, and the sweet friends who love unconditionally.
Life is really worth living again, and I'm so grateful."

Jonathan and Dee

Bullard is Home.

Directly in the path of growth, God has provided 17.5 acres in Bullard, TX.
Since 2020, Bullard has grown 30% and shows no sign of slowing down.
People from all over the country are coming to our area and settling in the HWY 69 corridor seeking property, conservative family values, and great schools.
This location will be an optimal, central location to continue to grow in and allow us to have greater reach in East Texas.